Our Services Include...


Capacity Building

Developing and implementing fisheries monitoring and Guardian programs. Field guidance with professional biological support and instruction. Negotiating with and reporting to government and private stakeholders. Funding applications.


Environmental Assessments/ Monitoring

Level I Site Environmental Site Assessments, (Lvl II coming soon!). Construction site assessments and monitoring/ sediment management plans. On-site environmental monitoring, fish salvage, permit applications, and reporting. 


Fisheries and wildlife surveys

Fisheries surveys including index snorkel surveys for salmon enumeration. Herring spawn surveys. Reptile and amphibian surveys. Wildlife surveys from raptors to bears. Fish habitat analysis and restoration. Hydrology and water quality surveys.


Spill Response Sampling and Remediation

Marine, fresh-water, and terrestrial based spill response. Development and implementation of Geographic Response Systems (GRS). Water, sediment, soil, and tissue sampling. Site remediation. Waste disposal and reporting.

Interested in something not listed above?

Please do not hesitate to contact us! We offer a much greater variety of services than those listed above including danger and wildlife tree assessments, research design and support, biodiversity assessments and surveys, training programs and development of training materials, identifying and applying for funding, project management and oversight, professional biological review, and much more!

Copyright Wild Coast Environmental Consulting, 2020.